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Kroniek van Afrika: vol. 4, no. 4
AP Velorum, a classical Cepheid with secondary period
The neutral hydrogen in the central region of the Galactic System (Errata: 17 537)
A high-velocity hydrogen cloud at low galactic latitude
The Neolithic Burial vault at Stein
Photo-electric observations of ζ Aurigae during the eclipse of 1963-1964
Magnetic stars and rotation
Linear polarization of the galactic background at 50 cm
The point-direction gain in a plane-parallel scattering atmosphere
A veluvian bell beaker with remains of a cremation in a tumules near Meerlo
Five-colour observations of 24 classical Cepheids
Kroniek van Afrika: vol. 4, no. 3
A Photo-electric minimum of the eclipsing variable RZ Cas
The asymmetry of the scattering diagram of a spherical particle
Photometric observations of the short-period variable star ρ Puppis
The short-period pulsating variable V 703 Scorpii (Errata: 18 536)
Note on the star BD+74°877 near VW Cephei
Definitive elements for comets 1951 I and 1955 IV
