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Legal aspects of Active Debris Removal (ADR): regulation of ADR under international space law and the way forward for legal development
European-wide ecosystem responses and their vulnerability to intensive drought
A solid start for the Dutch first thousand days-approach
Phenotypic plasticity and genetic adaptation of plant functional traits on global scales
Tunen syntax and information structure
Nocebo hyperalgesia and pain progression
Hybrid Josephson junctions and their qubit applications
These kind of words
Beyond the cloudiness in urinary tract infection
The glycocalyx
Smart courts, smart justice?
Non-conventional endpoints show higher sulfoxaflor toxicity to Chironomus riparius than conventional endpoints in a multistress environment
Virtual photography
Larval memories
Informing the public about chemical mixtures in the local environment: Currently applied indicators in the Netherlands and ways forward
There’s something about the weird
Het terloopse toerisme van de Indiëganger
Woo-verzoek over integriteitsschendingen door ambtenaren. Goed functioneren van de gemeente kan aan de orde zijn, maar tijdsverloop is relevant. Een belangenafweging in abstracto is alleen in tijden van crisis mogelijk
Augmenting CT-guided bone biopsies using 18F-FDG PET/CT guidance
