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A comparison of the Tocharian A and B metrical traditions
Why did analytical philosophy of history disappear?
Ghana-Togo-Mountain languages
Armenians in the Middle East
Style and grammar in political discourse
Oscillating between margin and centre
Foundation deposits and strategies of place-making at Tell el-Dab'a/Avaris
The origin of the Hittite ḫi-conjugation
The origin of the Proto-Indo-European nominal accent-ablaut paradigms
1, 2, 3, 6: Early Gothic architecture and perfect numbers
Bloemen voor Leopold von Ranke
Jeunesse Rebelle? Médias sociaux, leadership charismatique, et jeunes ‘radicalisés’ lors des manifestations de 2015 au Biafra
Old Church Slavonic (j)utro, Vedic uṣár- ‘daybreak, morning’
Czech and Sorbian in the 11th-13th century Judeo-Slavic glosses
Balto-Slavic agricultural terminology
Review of Harris, R.P. (2017) Storytelling in Siberia: the Olonkho epic in a changing world
Vetera novis augere
The cult and memory of war and violence
Le sonnet en X
On the part of speech and the syntax of the Tocharian present participle
