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Nuclear gamma-ray lines in accretion source spectra
Natural Environment and Human Settlement in Prehistoric Greece. Part II
Natural Environment and Human Settlement in Prehistoric Greece. Part I
Models for interpreting the diffuse galactic light
The Hippimauri: a Note
A Receipt for Gold Bullion
Het bevolkingsvraagstuk in de economische groeitheorie
An Unedited Sophism by Marsilius of Inghen homo est bos
The importance of H-Y incompatibility in human organ transplantation.
A Completeness Proof for an Infinitary Tense Logic
Die Septuaginta Jesajas als Dokument jüdischer Exegese. Einige Notizen zu LXX-Jes. 7
J.J. Scaligers Nachrichten über den Codex Argenteus in Heidelberg
Neutral hydrogen in NGC 4248
Regional and non-regional cults of affliction in Western Zambia
Development and application of a Physical Education Interaction Analysis System.
Fragments of Mathematics on Papyrus
Pedology and Land Use
Euclidean number fields of large degree
Identifications from the WSRT Deep Surveys
