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The Crab nebula
Photoelectric magnitudes and colours at maximum brightness for 184 Cepheids (Errata: 15 330)
U Trianguli Australis, a classical Cepheid with secondary period
The distribution of atomic hydrogen in the outer parts of the Galactic System
Photo-electric light-curves in blue and yellow light of the eclipsing variable RR Trianguli Australis
Observations of two occultations of the Crab nebula by the Moon at 400 Mc/s
The distribution of mass in M 31
Studies of the 21-cm. line and their interpretation (Introductory Lecture)
Corrections of 21-cm line profiles
Preliminary observations of 21-cm emission from M 33
A catalogue of 21-cm line profiles
Rotation and density distribution of the Andromeda nebula derived from observations of the 21-cm line
Some radial velocity measurements of the Cepheid U TrA
Three new variable stars
