Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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For study and delight : drawings and prints from Leiden University
Graphene-stablized lipid monolayer heterostructures: a novel biomembrane superstructure
Wijzigingsbedingen in algemene voorwaarden voor consumenten: kunt u erop vertrouwen?
The distribution of atomic hydrogen in EAGLE galaxies: morphologies, profiles, and H I holes
Exploring paths for the normalization of altmetrics: Applying the Characteristic Scores and Scales. The 2016 Altmetrics Workshop, Bucharest, Romania
Quantifying Beta-Galactosylceramide Kinetics in Cerebrospinal Fluid of Healthy Subjects Using Deuterium Labeling
The origin of atherosclerotic plaque cells: Plasticity or not?
Clinton, Sanders en de interne partijdemocratie
Conflict en rechtvaardigheid
Burial and non-burial at Late Mesolithic Hardinxveld (NL)
Using hyperspectral imaging to reveal a hidden precolonial Mesoamerican codex
Mapping the ceramics
Zwischen den Zeiten
Calculating four-loop massless propagators with Forcer
Probing the Abundance of SiO and HCN throughout the Stellar Wind of R Dor
III.7 Planets orbiting stars more massive than the Sun
African Postal Heritage : Tanzania 1885-1920s : part I : German East Africa, 1885-1914
