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Het smalle pad. Beperkingen van individuen en de evolutie van levensgemeenschappen
Fluctuation and relaxation properties of pulled fronts: A scenario for nonstandard kardar-parisi-zhang scaling
Bakkeleien Om Olie
Is the Past 'Knowable' or is its Study just 'Do-able'
Root nodulation and infection factors produced by rhizobial bacteria
Over leven en overleven
Nietzsche und Heidegger hinsichtlich die Frage des Nihilismus
Moving just the feature
Begrip komt van begrijpen – een visie op taal en cultuur
Lotus japonicus contains two distinct ENOD40 genes that are expressed in symbiotic, nonsymbiotic, and embryonic tissues
Medisch onderwijs in de 21e eeuw. Anders dan voorheen?
Notes on Coptic Containers of Liquids in Greek Papyri
Cleavage of the actin-capping protein alpha -adducin at Asp-Asp-Ser-Asp633-Ala by caspase-3 is preceded by its phosphorylation on serine 726 in cisplatin-induced apoptosis of renal epithelial cells
Nod Factors of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae and Their Fucosylated Derivatives Stimulate a Nod Factor Cleaving Activity in Pea Roots and Are Hydrolyzed In Vitro by Plant Chitinases at Different Rates
Growth temperature regulation of host-specific modifications of rhizobial lipo-chitin oligosaccharides::
Subdiffusive fluctuations of "pulled" fronts with multiplicative noise
A small angle x-ray scattering study of the droplet-cylinder transition in oil-rich sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate microemulsions
Computing with DNA by operating on plasmids
