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TGF-β type I receptor signaling in melanoma liver metastases increases metastatic outgrowth
Immune-based biomarker accurately predicts response to imiquimod immunotherapy in cervical high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions
Human papillary and reticular fibroblasts show distinct functions on tumor behavior in 3D-organotypic cultures mimicking melanoma and HNSCC
Editorial: TGF-beta and BMP signaling in cancer
Local and systemic immune profiles of human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma revealed by single-cell mass cytometry
Editorial: Cancer Prevention: Targeting Premalignant Epithelial Neoplasms in the Era of Cancer Immunotherapy and Vaccines
Tumor-specific T cells support chemokine-driven spatial organization of intratumoral immune microaggregates needed for long survival
The Stroma Liquid Biopsy panel contains a stromal-epithelial gene signature ratio that is associated with the histologic tumor-stroma ratio and predicts survival in colon cancer
CD161 expression and regulation defines rapidly responding effector CD4+T cells associated with improved survival in HPV16-associated tumors
Integrated N- and O-glycomics of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cell lines
Combined assessment of the tumor-stroma ratio and tumor immune cell infiltrate for immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy response prediction in colon cancer
Functionalized nanoparticles targeting tumor-associated macrophages as cancer therapy
Linking immunity with genomics in sarcomas: is genomic complexity an immunogenic trigger?
Monocyte subsets and serum inflammatory and bone-associated markers in monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance and multiple myeloma
The tumor microenvironment and immunotherapy of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma
Versatile role of Rab27a in glioma
Simultaneous tumor and stroma targeting by oncolytic viruses
TGF-beta signaling in liver metastasis
Interleukin-6-mediated resistance to immunotherapy is linked to impaired myeloid cell function
On-target anti-TGF-beta therapies are not succeeding in clinical cancer treatments: what are remaining challenges?
Extracellular BMP antagonists, multifaceted orchestrators in the tumor and its microenvironment
Endoglin: beyond the Endothelium
Lack of myeloid cell infiltration as an acquired resistance strategy to immunotherapy
Preconditioning of the tumor microenvironment with oncolytic reovirus converts CD3-bispecific antibody treatment into effective immunotherapy
