Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Pulmonary oedema in the course of severe maternal outcome in South Africa
Experiences of a dedicated Heart and Maternal Health Service providing multidisciplinary care to pregnant women with cardiac disease in a tertiary centre in Namibia
"My baby is fine, no need for more clinic visits." Facilitators and barriers for utilisation of follow-up services for children born preterm in low-resource setting
Association of low birth weight and polyparasitic infection during pregnancy in Lambarene, Gabon
The burden of HIV, syphilis and schistosome infection and associated factors among adults in the fishing communities in northwestern Tanzania
The relationship between malnutrition and T(H)2 immune markers
The relationship between malnutrition and TH2 immune markers
Maternal mortality due to cardiac disease in low- and middle-income countries
Changes in disclosure, adherence and healthcare interactions after the introduction of immediate ART initiation: an analysis of patient experiences in Swaziland
Women's recommendations: vacuum extraction or caesarean section for prolonged second stage of labour, a prospective cohort study in Uganda
BCG scar, socioeconomic and nutritional status: a study of newborns in urban area of Makassar, Indonesia
Facilitators for maternity waiting home utilisation at Attat Hospital: a mixed-methods study based on 45 years of experience
Birthing experience and quality of life after vacuum delivery and second-stage caesarean section: a prospective cohort study in Uganda
Maternal near miss morbidity and mortality in Hiwot Fana specialized university hospital, eastern Ethiopia: a prospective cohort study
Diagnosis of schistosomiasis without a microscope: a community-based survey using PCR and CCA-CAA detection on banked stool and urine samples from Dr Congo
Indications for caesarean sections in a rural hospital in Malawi
Criteria-based audit of caesarean section in a referral hospital in rural Tanzania
Schistosoma mansoni and HIV acquisition in fishing communities of Lake Victoria, Uganda: a nested case-control study
An ultra-sensitive urine-based assay targeting the circulating anodic antigen (CAA) for diagnosis of urogenital and intestinal schistosomiasis in low-endemic areas
Factors driving co-occurrence of Schistosoma mansoni and S. haematobium at the micro-geographical level
Asymptomatic carriage of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in travelers returning from Southern Asia: trends over time
Comparison of different diagnostic procedures, including mini-FLOTAC and multiplex real-time PCR, for the diagnosis of soil transmitted helminths and protozoa in stool samples from Ende, Indonesia
Rapid clearance of schistosomal circulating cathodic antigen (CCA) after treatment shown by urine strip tests - importance for monitoring treatment efficacy and re-infection
Women's perceptions of the quality of emergency obstetric care in a referral hospital in rural Tanzania
