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ISMRM Open Science Initiative for Perfusion Imaging (OSIPI)
Structured low-rank reconstruction for navigator-free water/fat separated multi-shot diffusion-weighted EPI
Characterization of concomitant gradient fields and their effects on image distortions using a low-field point-of-care Halbach-based MRI system
Low-field MRI
Image registration and mutual thresholding enable low interimage variability across dynamic MRI measurements of supraclavicular brown adipose tissue during mild cold exposure
Radiofrequency safety of high permittivity pads in MRI-Impact of insulation material
Evidence of cerebral hypoperfusion consecutive to ultrasound-mediated blood-brain barrier opening in rats
Mitigating undersampling errors in MR fingerprinting by sequence optimization
Arterial spin labeling using spatio-temporal encoding readout for robust perfusion imaging in inhomogenous magnetic fields
Velocity-selective arterial spin labeling perfusion MRI: A review of the state of the art and recommendations for clinical implementation (vol 88 pg 1528, 2022)
Multicomponent MR fingerprinting reconstruction using joint-sparsity and low-rank constraints
Recent Technical Developments in ASL: A Review of the State of the Art
Velocity-selective arterial spin labeling perfusion MRI: A review of the state of the art and recommendations for clinical implementation
Personalized local SAR prediction for parallel transmit neuroimaging at 7T from a single T1-weighted dataset
Echo planar imaging-induced errors in intracardiac 4D flow MRI quantification
Learning a preconditioner to accelerate compressed sensing reconstructions in MRI
Off-resonance saturation as an MRI method to quantify mineral- iron in the post-mortem brain
In vivo T-1 and T-2 relaxation time maps of brain tissue, skeletal muscle, and lipid measured in healthy volunteers at 50 mT
The use of variable delay multipulse chemical exchange saturation transfer for separately assessing different CEST pools in the human brain at 7T
Three-dimensional gradient and spin -echo readout for time encoded pseudo -continuous arterial spin labeling
Validation of the estimation of the macrovascular contribution in multi-timepoint arterial spin labeling MRI using a 2-component kinetic model
Regularized joint water-fat separation with B-0 map estimation in image space for 2D-navigated interleaved EPI based diffusion MRI
A split-label design for simultaneous measurements of perfusion in distant slices by pulsed arterial spin labeling
Segmented simultaneous multi-slice diffusion-weighted imaging with navigated 3D rigid motion correction
