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"Brought under the law of the land" : the history, demography and geography of crossculturalism in early modern Izmir, and the Köprülü Project of 1678
The Referendum in the Portuguese Constitutional Experience
The interpretation of multilingual tax treaties
Pathophysiology of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura : the "two-hit" paradigm
Hybrid ambitions : science, governance, and empire in the career of Caspar G.C. Reinwardt (1773-1854)
The conflict of the faculties : perspectives on artistic research and academia
The superpower, the bridge-builder and the hesitant ally : how defense transformation divided NATO (1991-2008)
Tussen hof en keizerskroon : Carolus Clusius en de ontwikkeling van de botanie aan Midden-Europese hoven (1573-1593)
De studentenpopulatie van de Leidse universiteit, 1575-1812 : "Een volk op zyn Siams gekleet eenige mylen van Den Haag woonende"
Transforming for Europe : the reshaping of national bureaucracies in a system of multi-level governance
Het Amsterdams Perikopenboek. Volkstalige vroomheid in veertiende-eeuws Vlaanderen
The Early and Middle Pleistocene archaeological record of Greece : current status and future prospects
De affaire De Lalande-Lestevenon: feit en fictie over een spraakmakend schandaal in het zeventiende-eeuwse Amsterdam
Figuring rural development : concepts and cases of land use, sustainability and integrative indicators
De rechtspositie der Chinezen in Nederlands-Indië 1848-1942
Civil service reform in post-communist countries : the case of the Russian Federation and the Czech Republic.
Red blood cell alloimmunization after blood transfusion
Active personality and non-extradition of nationals in international criminal law at the dawn of the twenty-first century : adapting key functions of nationality to the requirements of International Criminal Justice
Quantum mechanics & the big world
New sounds, new stories : narrativity in contemporary music
Friends, acquaintances, pupils and patrons : Japanese intellectual life in the late eighteenth century : a prosopographical approach