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(25 - 48 of 149)


All structures great and small
Making messages memorable
Grammaire cuvok: langue tchadique centrale du Cameroun
Indo-European origins of Anatolian morphology and semantics: innovations and archaisms in Hittite, Luwian and Lycian
Voices in stone: Studies in Luwian historical phonology
A grammar of Mankanya: An Atlantic language of Guinea-Bissau, Senegal and the Gambia
The adoption of sound change : synchronic and diachronic processing of regional variation in Dutch
A grammar of Dhao: An endangered Austronesian language in Eastern Indonesia
A grammar of Nchane: A Bantoid (Beboid) language of Cameroon
A grammatical description of Shiwiar
Processing Lexical Bundles
Consonant and lexical tone interaction: Evidence from two Chinese dialects
Mochica: Grammatical topics and external relations
Variation and change in Abui : the impact of Alor Malay on an indigenous language of Indonesia
Contributions to the computational processing of diachronic linguistic corpora
Zoonímia Histórico-comparativa: Denominações dos antílopes em bantu
The unbearable lightness of clitics
Traces of language contact: The Flores-Lembata languages in eastern Indonesia
Tone in Saxwe
Bòsò Walikan Malangan : structure and development of a Javanese reversed language
The Majang Language
Possessive constructions in Tongugbe, an Ewe dialect
Managing informal interaction: stancetaking and alignment in Dutch and Indonesian
Simple rule learning is not simple : studies on infant and adult pattern perception and production
