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Low mother-to-child-transmission rate of Hepatitis C virus in cART treated HIV-1 infected mothers
Cytomegalovirus infection in the Netherlands: Seroprevalence, risk factors, and implications
Nucleoside plus nucleotide analogs and cessation of hepatitis B immunoglobulin after liver transplantation in chronic hepatitis B is safe and effective
HPV type in plantar warts influences natural course and treatment response: Secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial
Cytomegalovirus DNA detection in dried blood spots and perilymphatic fluids from pediatric and adult cochlear implant recipients with prelingual deafness
Rapid susceptibility testing for herpes simplex virus type 1 using real-time PCR
Cutaneous wart-associated HPV types: Prevalence and relation with patient characteristics
A fatal course of neonatal meningo-encephalitis
Human parvovirus B19 genotype 3 associated with chronic anemia after stem cell transplantation, missed by routine PCR testing
Trichodysplasia spinulosa is characterized by active polyomavirus infection
Real-time PCR versus viral culture on urine as a gold standard in the diagnosis of congenital cytomegalovirus infection
Lesional HPV types of cutaneous warts can be reliably identified by surface swabs
Diagnostic and therapeutic management for suspected neonatal herpes simplex virus infection
Mass spectrometry-based comparative sequencing to detect ganciclovir resistance in the UL97 gene of human cytomegalovirus
Diagnosis of viral gastroenteritis by simultaneous detection of Adenovirus group F, Astrovirus, Rotavirus group A, Norovirus genogroups I and II, and Sapovirus in two internally controlled multiplex real-time PCR assays
Transmission of betapapillomaviruses between domestic partners in an Australian community
Strengthening the diagnostic capacity to detect Bio Safety Level 3 organisms in unusual respiratory viral outbreaks (vol 45, pg 185, 2009)
