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Oleic acid enhances proliferation and calcium mobilization of CD3/CD28 activated CD4+ T cells through incorporation into membrane lipids
Initial properdin binding contributes to alternative pathway activation at the surface of viable and necrotic cells
Amino acids at position 5 in the peptide/MHC binding region of a public virus-specific TCR are completely inter-changeable without loss of function
Improving naive B cell isolation by absence of CD45RB glycosylation and CD27 expression in combination with BCR isotype
Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (third edition)
Recognition of S100 proteins by signal inhibitory receptor on leukocytes-1 negatively regulates human neutrophils
Mechanism of action of PD-1 receptor/ligand targeted cancer immunotherapy
GPA33 is expressed on multiple human blood cell types and distinguishes CD4(+) central memory T cells with and without effector function
Fa(c)t checking: how fatty acids shape metabolism and function of macrophages and dendritic cells
Autophagy regulates long-term cross-presentation by murine dendritic cells
PAKC: a novel panel of HLA class I antigen presentation machinery knockout cells from the same genetic origin
The curious case of IL-33 in homeostasis and infection
Checkpoints controlling the induction of B cell mediated autoimmunity in human autoimmune diseases
Templated insertions at VD and DJ junctions create unique B-cell receptors in the healthy B-cell repertoire
Murine iNKT cells are depleted by liver damage via activation of P2RX7
A pan-inflammatory microRNA-cluster is associated with orbital non-Hodgkin lymphoma and idiopathic orbital inflammation
Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (second edition)
Type I interferons provide additive signals for murine regulatory B cell induction by Schistosoma mansoni eggs
Peripheral and systemic antigens elicit an expandable pool of resident memory CD8(+) T cells in the bone marrow
Residual LCMV antigen in transiently CD4(+) T cell-depleted mice induces high levels of virus-specific antibodies but only limited B-cell memory
Natural T-cell ligands that are created by genetic variants can be transferred between cells by extracellular vesicles
Sustained cross-presentation capacity of murine splenic dendritic cell subsets in vivo
Functional and phenotypical analysis of IL-6-secreting CD4(+) Tcells in human adipose tissue
Detailed characterization of human Mycobacterium tuberculosis specific HLA-E restricted CD8(+) T cells
