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The MHC-E peptide ligands for checkpoint CD94/NKG2A are governed by inflammatory signals, whereas LILRB1/2 receptors are peptide indifferent
Impaired gut microbiota-mediated short-chain fatty acid production precedes morbidity and mortality in people with HIV
DUX4 expression in cancer induces a metastable early embryonic totipotent program
QUAS-R: An SLC1A5-mediated glutamine uptake assay with single-cell resolution reveals metabolic heterogeneity with immune populations
The two enantiomers of 2-hydroxyglutarate differentially regulate cytotoxic T cell function
A single-cell level comparison of human inner ear organoids withthe human cochlea and vestibular organs
Dimethyl itaconate induces long-term innate immune responses and confers protection against infection
Time-dependent regulation of cytokine production by RNA binding proteins defines T cell effector function
Modulating mutational outcomes and improving precise gene editing at CRISPR-Cas9-induced breaks by chemical inhibition of end-joining pathways
Cancer-specific T helper shared and neo-epitopes uncovered by expression of the MHC class II master regulator CIITA
Cancer-specific T helper shared and neo-epitopes uncovered by expression of the MHC class II master regulator CIITA
mTORC1 signaling in antigen-presenting cells of the skin restrains CD8(+) T cell priming
Cross-reactivity of glycan-reactive HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibodies with parasite glycans
Antibody bivalency improves antiviral efficacy by inhibiting virion release independently of Fc gamma receptors
Autotaxin impedes anti-tumor immunity by suppressing chemotaxis and tumor infiltration of CD8(+) T cells
RNF168 E3 ligase participates in ubiquitin signaling and recruitment of SLX4 during DNA crosslink repair
Hemozoin-mediated inflammasome activation limits long-lived anti-malarial immunity
Physical interactions between MCM and Rad51 facilitate replication fork lesion bypass and ssDNA gap filling by non-recombinogenic functions
Mineralocorticoid receptors dampen glucocorticoid receptor sensitivity to stress via regulation of FKBP5
Disruption of Cxcr3 chemotactic signaling alters lysosomal function and renders macrophages more microbicidal
Molecular mechanisms of APC/C release from spindle assembly checkpoint inhibition by APC/C SUMOylation
Global non-covalent SUMO interaction networks reveal SUMO-dependent stabilization of the non-homologous end joining complex
The ER-embedded UBE2J1/RNF26 ubiquitylation complex exerts spatiotemporal control over the endolysosomal pathway
Multistage signal-interactive nanoparticles improve tumor targeting through efficient nanoparticle-cell communications
