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Translation and cross-cultural validation of the Turkish, Moroccan Arabic and Moroccan Berber versions of the 48-item Symptom Questionnaire (SQ-48)
Testing for response shift in treatment evaluation of change in self-reported psychopathology amongst secondary psychiatric care outpatients
Testing for response shift in treatment evaluation of change in self‐reported psychopathology amongst secondary psychiatric care outpatients
Clinical and sociodemographic associations with treatment selection in major depression
Concordance between self-reported and observer-rated anxiety severity in outpatients with anxiety disorders: The Leiden routine outcome monitoring study
Age-related characteristics of outpatients with anxiety disorders: the Leiden routine outcome monitoring study
Agreement between clinical and MINI diagnoses in outpatients with mood and anxiety disorders
A Validation Study of the Web Screening Questionnaire (WSQ) Compared With the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview-Plus (MINI-Plus)
Evaluating the Responsiveness to Therapeutic Change with Routine Outcome Monitoring: A Comparison of the Symptom Questionnaire-48 (SQ-48) with the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) and the Outcome Questionnaire-45 (OQ-45)
Red ROM als kwaliteitsinstrument
A cluster analysis of early onset in common anxiety disorders
Cluster headache and depression
Brief Symptom Inventory symptom profiles of outpatients with borderline intellectual functioning and major depressive disorder or posttraumatic stress disorder: Comparison with patients from regular mental health care and patients with Mild Intellectual D
The clinical effectiveness of concise cognitive behavioral therapy with or without pharmacotherapy for depressive and anxiety disorders; a pragmatic randomized controlled equivalence trial in clinical practice
Detoxification in medication-overuse headache, a retrospective controlled follow-up study: Does care by a headache nurse lead to cure?
Economic Evaluation of Concise Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and/or Pharmacotherapy for Depressive and Anxiety Disorders
Salivary testosterone is consistently and positively associated with extraversion: Results from The Netherlands study of depression and anxiety
Salivary Testosterone Is Consistently and Positively Associated with Extraversion: Results from The Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety
Investigating distinct and common abnormalities of resting-state functional connectivity in depression, anxiety, and their comorbid states
Symptom dimensions of affective disorders in migraine patients
Dutch Translation and Psychometric Testing of the 9-Item Shared Decision Making Questionnaire (SDM-Q-9) and Shared Decision Making Questionnaire-Physician Version (SDM-Q-Doc) in Primary and Secondary Care
Dutch Translation and Psychometric Testing of the 9-Item Shared Decision Making Questionnaire (SDM-Q-9) and Shared Decision Making Questionnaire-Physician Version (SDM-Q-Doc) in Primary and Secondary Care
Long-lasting effects of affective disorders and childhood trauma on dispositional optimism
Long-lasting effects of affective disorders and childhood trauma on dispositional optimism
