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On excitation and maintenance of secondary oscillations in pulsating stars
On an asymptotic relation between the variations of luminosity and radius in the theory of Cepheid variables
On the theory of anadiabatic star pulsations: a continuation, extended and emended
On the possibility of excitation of a long-period secondary oscillation in ζ Geminorum
On the anomalous phase relation between first and second harmonic in the radial velocity of ζ Geminorum and related stars
Note on the light-variation of Cepheid variables with secondary period
On the critical values of the amplitudes required to maintain the pulsation of Cepheid variation
On the theory of non-adiabatic star pulsations
On the diffusion of monochromatic radiation through a medium consisting of plan-parallel layers in relative motion
Note on the circular vortex in the theory of sunspots
Note on the energy equation
The resistance experienced by the outward moving chromospheric Ca<SUP>+</SUP> ions and its effect on the density
The structure of the Ca<SUP>+</SUP> chromosphere and the observations of the K line
The Ca<SUP>+</SUP> chromosphere
Note on the contour of the H-K emission line of the chromosphere
On the theory of the chromosphere and the corona
Note on the excitation of "forbidden" lines in the nebular spectrum
Line absorption and Cepheid pulsation
Additional note on the continuous spectrum of the corona
On the continuous spectrum of the corona
Line absorption and absorption coefficient inside a star
On the possibility of a gravitational shift of the spectral lines of O and B stars
On the energy required for the ionization of the interior of a star
On the stationary Calcium lines
