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Revisiting the atmosphere of the exoplanet 51 Eridani b with VLT/SPHERE
A SPHERE survey of self-shadowed planet-forming disks
An extended scattered light disk around AT Pyx
Characterizing the morphology of the debris disk around the low-mass star GSC 07396-00759
The SPHERE infrared survey for exoplanets (SHINE)
Polarimetric imaging mode of VLT/SPHERE/IRDIS. I. Description, data reduction, and observing strategy
VLT/SPHERE exploration of the young multiplanetary system PDS70
SPHERE: the exoplanet imager for the Very Large Telescope
The CORALIE survey for southern extrasolar planets. XVIII. Three new massive planets and two low-mass brown dwarfs at greater than 5 AU separation
Spatial segregation of dust grains in transition disks. SPHERE observations of 2MASS J16083070-3828268 and RXJ1852.3-3700
Discovery of a planetary-mass companion within the gap of the transition disk around PDS 70
The GJ 504 system revisited. Combining interferometric, radial velocity, and high contrast imaging data
Orbital and atmospheric characterization of the planet within the gap of the PDS 70 transition disk
Investigation of the inner structures around HD 169142 with VLT/SPHERE
Testing giant planet formation in the transitional disk of SAO 206462 using deep VLT/SPHERE imaging
The Circumstellar Disk HD 169142: Gas, Dust, and Planets Acting in Concert?
First light of the VLT planet finder SPHERE. I. Detection and characterization of the substellar companion GJ 758 B
A narrow, edge-on disk resolved around HD 106906 with SPHERE
Discovery of concentric broken rings at sub-arcsec separations in the HD 141569A gas-rich, debris disk with VLT/SPHERE
Discovery of concentric broken rings at sub-arcsec separations in the HD 141569A gas-rich, debris disk with VLT/SPHERE
Discovery of concentric broken rings at sub-arcsec separations in the HD 141569A gas-rich, debris disk with VLT/SPHERE
First light of the VLT planet finder SPHERE. II. The physical properties and the architecture of the young systems PZ Telescopii and HD 1160 revisited