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European memoirs and colonialism in Equatorial Africa: reflections on the reminiscences of Alfons Vermeulen (1877-1965)
The individual in African history
La portée historique du Sawaba : la France et la destruction d’un mouvement social au Niger
The diaries of Barthélémy Boganda, priest and politician in French Equatorial Africa (1910-1959)
The yearning for relief: a history of the Sawaba movement in Niger
Economisch-politieke ontwikkelingen in Afrika op macro-niveau: de goede kant op?
The speed of change: motor vehicles and people in Africa, 1890-2000
West Africa
From Tamanrasset: the struggle of Sawaba and the Algerian connection, 1957-1966
Review of Levitt J.L. (ed.): 'Africa: Selected Documents on Constitutive, Conflict, and Security, Humanitarian and Judicial Issues'
From union of tyrants to power to the people? The significance of the Pan-African Parliament for the African Union
Rethinking resistance: revolt and violence in African history
Rethinking resistance in African history: an introduction
Sawaba's rebellion in Niger (1964-1965): narrative and meaning
Sawaba's rebellion in Niger (1964-1965): narrative and meaning
The end of an era: the Ghanaian elections of December 2000
Democratisering in Afrika
Between indifference and naïveté: Dutch policy interventions in African conflicts: a synthesis report
Containing conflict in the Economic Community of West African States: lessons from the intervention in Liberia, 1990-1997
The Netherlands and Liberia: Dutch policies and interventions with respect to the Liberian civil war
Conflict policy in some Western countries: some explorative notes
