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Inter- and intra-observer reproducibility of CT-Leaman score by an independent core lab
Angiography and optical coherence tomography derived shear stress
Prognostic implications of left ventricular inward displacement assessed by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in patients with myocardial infarction
Implications of computed tomography reconstruction algorithms on coronary atheroma quantification
An optical coherence tomography and endothelial shear stress study of a novel bioresorbable bypass graft
Pericoronary adipose tissue attenuation in patients with acute coronary syndrome versus stable coronary artery disease
Introduction to hemodynamic forces by echocardiography
Relation between coronary plaque composition assessed by intravascular ultrasound virtual histology and myocardial ischemia assessed by quantitative flow ratio
Association between changes in perivascular adipose tissue density and plaque progression
Vessel and sex differences in pericoronary adipose tissue attenuation obtained with coronary CT in individuals without coronary atherosclerosis
Feature-tracking computed tomography left atrial strain and long-term survival after transcatheter aortic valve implantation
One-year performance of biorestorative polymeric coronary bypass grafts in an ovine model: correlation between early biomechanics and late serial Quantitative Flow Ratio
Editor's Choice to the December 2021 issue
Editor's choice to the november 2021 issue
Editor's choice to the October 2021 issue
Editor's note to the September 2021 issue
Editor's Note to the July 2021 issue
Angiography-based 4-dimensional superficial wall strain and stress: a new diagnostic tool in the catheterization laboratory
Editor's note to the June 2021 issue
Automated analysis of coronary angiograms using artificial intelligence: a window into the cath lab of the future
Cardiovascular imaging 2020 in the international journal of cardiovascular imaging: the 10 most downloaded papers in the year 2020
A randomised controlled trial of the sirolimus-eluting biodegradable polymer ultra-thin Supraflex stent versus the everolimus-eluting biodegradable polymer SYNERGY stent for three-vessel coronary artery disease: rationale and design of the Multivessel TAL
Endothelial shear stress and vascular remodeling in bioresorbable scaffold and metallic stent
Introduction topical issue on CT plaque burden
