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The Risk Screener Violence (RS-V)
Small-scale, community-embedded youth justice facilities
Relational security
The development of adolescents in a non-residential alternative educational facility, including the prevention of secure residential placement
Change over time: the use of seclusion in secure residential youth care in The Netherlands
Internalizing problems before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in independent samples of Dutch children and adolescents with and without pre-existing mental health problems
The impact of COVID-19 restrictions on social relationships of forensic psychiatric outpatients with preexisting social network-related problems
Resisting aggression in social contexts
Peer feedback decreases impulsive choice in adolescents with and without attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Understanding aggression in adolescence by studying the neurobiological stress system
Overlapping and distinct neural correlates of self-evaluations and self-regulation from the perspective of self and others
Improving Work Climate in a Residential Setting for Juveniles with Mild Intellectual Disability through Training of Staff in Non-violent Resistance
Neurobiological correlates of antisociality across adolescence and young adulthood
Neurobiological correlates of antisociality across adolescence and young adulthood
Mental and Social Health of Children and Adolescents With Pre-existing Mental or Somatic Problems During the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown
Mental and social health of children and adolescents with pre-existing mental or somatic problems during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown
Improvement of group climate in a residential setting for juveniles with mild intellectual disability through training of staff in Non-Violent Resistance
Using the biopsychosocial model for identifying subgroups of detained juveniles at different risk of re-offending in practice: a latent class regression analysis approach
Maturation of the cardiac autonomic nervous system activity in children and adolescents
Maturation of the cardiac autonomic nervous system activity in children and adolescents
Disentangling multiproblem behavior in male young adults: A cluster analysis
Predicting youth reoffending after incarceration
Addressing aggression in the residential setting for juveniles with mild intellectual disability through training in non-violent resistance
Risk taking by adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A behavioral and psychophysiological investigation of peer influence
