Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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‘Our happy hour became a hungry hour'
Sinking islands, drowned logic; climate change and community-based adaptation discourses in Solomon Islands
Rhinella Marina. Predation by a Philippine crocodile
From happy hour to hungry hour
Rapid Expansion of Oil Palm Is Leading to Human–Elephant Conflicts in North Kalimantan Province of Indonesia
Establishing freshwater protected areas to protect biodiversity and improve food security in the Philippines
Recognising land rights for conservation tenure reforms in the Northern Sierra Madre, The Philippines
A longitudinal evaluation of the Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA) campaign for the Philippine crocodile Crocodylus mindorensis in northern Luzon, Philippines
How do hunter-gatherers learn? The transmission of indigenous knowledge among the Agta of the Philippines
Recognising Land Rights For Conservation? Tenure Reforms In The Northern Sierra Madre, The Philippines
Reforestation and producer organizations in the Philippines
Swallowed by a cayman : integrating cultural values in Philippine crocodile conservation
Friendly crocodiles and vengeful ancestors: Conserving the critically endangered Philippine crocodile in Dinang Creek
Philippine crocodile attacks on humans in the Northern Sierra Madre
Reward-Seeking Behavior in Human Narcolepsy
A new silk road: science and society in Asia and Europe
Illegal logging in the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park, the Philippines
'Why must we protect crocodiles?' Explaining the value of the Philippine crocodile to rural communities
What local people think about crocodiles: Challenging environmental policy narratives in the Philippines
Drepanosticta hamalaineni spec. nov and Sulcosticta sierramadrensis spec. nov from the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park, Luzon, the Philippines (Zygoptera: Platystictidae)
Agta bird names: an ethno-ornithological survey in the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park, Philippines
Reintroduction of captive-bred Philippine crocodiles
Life with crocodiles: Reintroducing human-wildlife coexistence in the Philippines
Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park: van prioriteit naar vergetelheid.
