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Early results from GLASS-JWST. XIV.
Forming intracluster gas in a galaxy protocluster at a redshift of 2.16
The VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey
The 700 ks Chandra Spiderweb Field
The spiderweb protocluster is being magnetized by its central radio jet
X-ray emission from the jets and lobes of the spiderweb
The 700 ks Chandra Spiderweb Field. I.
The size and pervasiveness of Ly α-UV spatial offsets in star-forming galaxies at z ~ 6
The VANDELS ESO public spectroscopic survey
UV and Ly-alpha luminosity functions of galaxies and star formation rate density at the end of HI reionization from the VIMOS UltraDeep Survey (VUDS)
Missing [C II] emission from early galaxies
The nature of faint radio galaxies at high redshifts
The VANDELS ESO public spectroscopic survey: Observations and first data release
Kiloparsec-scale gaseous clumps and star formation at z = 5-7
Discovery of a radio galaxy at z = 5.72
Chasing passive galaxies in the early Universe: a critical analysis in CANDELS GOODS-South
Characterizing elusive, faint dusty star-forming galaxies: a lensed, optically undetected ALMA galaxy at z similar to 3.3
The ASTRODEEP Frontier Fields catalogues I. Multiwavelength photometry of Abell-2744 and MACS-J0416
The Grism Lens-amplified survey from Space (Glass). III. A census of Ly alpha emission at z greater than or similar to 7 from HST spectroscopy
A CO-rich merger shaping a powerful and hyperluminous infrared radio galaxy at z = 2: the Dragonfly Galaxy
Properties of Lyα emitters around the radio galaxy MRC 0316 257^,
On the X-ray emission of z ∼2 radio galaxies: IC scattering of the CMB and no evidence for fully-formed potential wells
A search for clusters at high redshift. III. Candidate Hα emitters and EROs in the PKS 1138-262 proto-cluster at z = 2.16
A search for clusters at high redshift. IV. Spectroscopy of Hα emitters in a proto-cluster at z = 2.16
