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The 'X' in Alex Haley
The spirit of matter
Provincializing the universal
Classification revisited
Anthropology as Science Fiction, or How Print Capitalism Enchanted Victorian Science
Enchanted reason: science fiction, print capitalism and the magic of anthropology
Introduction: Magic and modernity
The Construction of Ethnographic Occasions in Late Colonial Uluguru
Introduction: Embedding ethics
The Spirit of Matter: On Fetish, Rarity, Fact and Fancy
en^^"Where there aren't no ten commandements": redefining ethics during the Darkness in El Dorado scandal
Het uitzonderen van 'Afrika': Naar een antropologie van de moderne poltieke verbeelding
Spirits of Modernity: Alfred Wallace, Edward Tylor and the Visual Politics of Facts
Introduction: Magic and modernity
Creolisation in secret: the birth of nationalism in late colonial Uluguru, Tanzania
The confessional ethic and the spirits of the screen
How Anthropology Dissolves Its Object: The Critical History of Anthropology at the University of Amsterdam
Imaginer les élections. Modernité, médiation et vote secret au Tanganyika à la fin de la période coloniale
Occult Truths: Race, Conjecture and Theosophy in Victorian Anthropology
Locating the Colonial Subjects of Anthropology
The Rise and Fall of the Indian Aborigines. Orientalism, Anglicism and the Emergence of an Ethnology of India
Professions of Duplexity: A Prehistory of Ethical Codes in Anthropology
A politics of presence : contacts between missionaries and Waluguru in late colonial Tanganyika
From Texts to Bodies: Brian Houghton Hodgson and the Emergence of Ethnology in India
