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Population health interventions for cardiometabolic diseases in primary care
Added predictive value of female-specific factors and psychosocial factors for the risk of stroke in women under 50
Cardiovascular risk prediction in men and women aged under 50 years using routine care data
Cardiovascular risk prediction in men and women aged under 50 years using routine care data
Hacking stroke in women
SCORE2 cardiovascular risk prediction models in an ethnic and socioeconomic diverse population in the Netherlands
Perceived barriers and facilitators of structural reimbursement for remote patient monitoring
Perceived barriers and facilitators of structural reimbursement for remote patient monitoring, an exploratory qualitative study
Subarachnoid CSF hyperintensities at 7 tesla FLAIR MRI
Sex differences in onset to hospital arrival time, prestroke disability, and clinical symptoms in patients with a large vessel occlusion: a MR CLEAN Registry substudy
Delayed cerebral ischemia after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage in young patients with a history of migraine
Sex differences in presentation of stroke : a systematic review and meta-analysis
Clarifying responsibility
Clarifying responsibility: professional digital health in the doctor-patient relationship, recommendations for physicians based on a multi-stakeholder dialogue in the Netherlands
Clarifying responsibility: professional digital health in the doctor-patient relationship, recommendations for physicians based on a multi-stakeholder dialogue in the Netherlands
Guidelines and quality criteria for artificial intelligence-based prediction models in healthcare: a scoping review
Sex Differences in Hemostatic Factors in Patients With Ischemic Stroke and the Relation With Migraine-A Systematic Review
Sex differences in risk profile, stroke cause and outcome in ischemic stroke patients with and without migraine
Evolutionary algorithms and decision trees for predicting poor outcome after endovascular treatment for acute ischemic stroke
Predicting poor outcome before endovascular treatment in patients with acute ischemic stroke
Delayed cerebral ischemia after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage in patients with a history of migraine
Telemonitoring for patients with COVID-19
Data-efficient deep learning of radiological image data for outcome prediction after endovascular treatment of patients with acute ischemic stroke
Intrinsic Coagulation Pathway, History of Headache, and Risk of Ischemic Stroke
