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Safety and efficacy of dual thrombolytic therapy with mutant prourokinase and small bolus alteplase for ischemic stroke
Endovascular treatment versus no endovascular treatment after 6-24 h in patients with ischaemic stroke and collateral flow on CT angiography (MR CLEAN-LATE) in the Netherlands
Clinical consequences of nonadherence to Barrett's esophagus surveillance recommendations
Clinical consequences of nonadherence to Barrett's esophagus surveillance recommendations
Validation and update of a prediction model for risk of relapse after cessation of anti-TNF treatment in Crohn's disease
Faecal occult blood loss accurately predicts future detection of colorectal cancer
Safety and efficacy of aspirin, unfractionated heparin, both, or neither during endovascular stroke treatment (MR CLEAN-MED)
Safety and efficacy of aspirin, unfractionated heparin, both, or neither during endovascular stroke treatment (MR CLEAN-MED)
Shared decision making of burdensome surveillance tests using personalized schedules and their burden and benefit
The prognostic value of the 12-, 6-, 3-and 1-month 'Surprise Question' in cancer patients
A Randomized Trial of Intravenous Alteplase before Endovascular Treatment for Stroke
Assessing a Patient's Individual Risk of Biopsy-detectable Prostate Cancer: Be Aware of Case Mix Heterogeneity and A Priori Likelihood
The burden of traumatic brain injury from low-energy falls among patients from 18 countries in the CENTER-TBI Registry
Imputation strategies for missing baseline neurological assessment covariates after traumatic brain injury
Identifying trauma patients with benefit from direct transportation to Level-1 trauma centers
Improving triage for children with comorbidity using the ED-PEWS: an observational study
Risk-Based Selection for Active Surveillance: Results of the Movember Foundation's Global Action Plan Prostate Cancer Active Surveillance (GAP3) Initiative
Missing Data in Prediction Research: A Five-Step Approach for Multiple Imputation, Illustrated in the CENTER-TBI Study
Blood pressure during endovascular treatment under conscious sedation or local anesthesia
Outcome prediction after moderate and severe traumatic brain injury
Informed consent procedures in patients with an acute inability to provide informed consent
Development and validation of a Paediatric Early Warning Score for use in the emergency department: a multicentre study
Personalised biopsy schedules based on risk of Gleason upgrading for patients with low-risk prostate cancer on active surveillance
Machine learning algorithms performed no better than regression models for prognostication in traumatic brain injury
