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Anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies (TG2A) positivity and the risk of vitamin D deficiency among children-a cross-sectional study in the generation R cohort
Practice variation across five European paediatric emergency departments
Childhood Adiposity Associated With Expanded Effector Memory CD8(+) and V delta 2(+)V gamma 9(+)T Cells
Improving triage for children with comorbidity using the ED-PEWS: an observational study
A clinical prediction model to identify children at risk for revisits with serious illness to the emergency department
The role of food selectivity in the association between child autistic traits and constipation
Current ceftriaxone dose recommendations are adequate for most critically ill children
Shortness of breath in children at the emergency department
Association between nasal and nasopharyngeal bacterial colonization in early life and eczema phenotypes
Increased Th22 cell numbers in a general pediatric population with filaggrin haploinsufficiency
Development and validation of a Paediatric Early Warning Score for use in the emergency department: a multicentre study
Examination of the genetic factors underlying the cognitive variability associated with neurofibromatosis type 1
Diversity, compositional and functional differences between gut microbiota of children and adults
Sex-specific differences in children attending the emergency department
Celiac Disease Autoimmunity and Emotional and Behavioral Problems in Childhood
A priori and a posteriori derived dietary patterns in infancy and cardiometabolic health in childhood: The role of body composition
Filled prescriptions of age-related contraindicated drugs in children: a one-year nationwide cohort study in the Netherlands
Dietary Patterns After the Weaning and Lactation Period Are Associated With Celiac Disease Autoimmunity in Children
25-Hydroxyvitamin D concentrations, asthma and eczema in childhood: The generation R study
Multiple performance measures are needed to evaluate triage systems in the emergency department
Abnormalities in CD57+cytotoxic T cells and V delta 1+gamma delta T cells in subclinical celiac disease in childhood are affected by cytomegalovirus. The Generation R Study
The role of vitamin D on circulating memory T cells in children: The Generation R study
Diet Quality throughout Early Life in Relation to Allergic Sensitization and Atopic Diseases in Childhood
Diet Quality throughout Early Life in Relation to Allergic Sensitization and Atopic Diseases in Childhood.
