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Characterization of the human fetal gonad and reproductive tract by single-cell transcriptomics
Classification of atretic small antral follicles in the human ovary
Cell-cell interactions during the formation of primordial follicles in humans
Efficient and scalable generation of primordial germ cells in 2D culture using basement membrane extract overlay
Immune subset-committed proliferating cells populate the human foetal intestine throughout the second trimester of gestation
The extended analogy of extraembryonic development in insects and amniotes
Stay on the road: from germ cell specification to gonadal colonization in mammals
Spatial dynamic metabolomics identifies metabolic cell fate trajectories in human kidney differentiation
Fetal germ cell development in humans, a link with infertility
Multispectral confocal 3D imaging of intact healthy and tumor tissue using mLSR-3D
TEAD4 regulates trophectoderm differentiation upstream of CDX2 in a GATA3-independent manner in the human preimplantation embryo
Imaging mass cytometry reveals the prominent role of myeloid cells at the maternal-fetal interface
The need for a standard for informed consent for collection of human fetal material
Characterization of the epidermal-dermal junction in hiPSC-derived skin organoids
Emerging in vitro platforms and omics technologies for studying the endometrium and early embryo-maternal interface in humans
Primary trophoblast cultures: characterization of HLA profiles and immune cell interactions
Article Human induced pluripotent stem cells display a similar mutation burden as embryonic pluripotent cells in vivo
Phiclust: a clusterability measure for single-cell transcriptomics reveals phenotypic subpopulations
Troy/Tnfrsf19 marks epidermal cells that govern interfollicular epidermal renewal and cornification
Tissue of origin, but not XCI state, influences germ cell differentiation from human pluripotent stem cells
Transcriptional progression during meiotic prophase I reveals sex-specific features and X chromosome dynamics in human fetal female germline
Ligand-receptor interactions elucidate sex-specific pathways in the trajectory from primordial germ cells to gonia during human development
Revealing the spatio-phenotypic patterning of cells in healthy and tumor tissues with mLSR-3D and STAPL-3D
Sex-specific isolation and propagation of human premeiotic fetal germ cells and germ cell-like cells
