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Impact of obesity on hepatic drug clearance
When will the glomerular filtration rate in former preterm neonates catch up with their term peers?
Higher plasma levels of endocannabinoids and analogues correlate with a worse cardiometabolic profile in young adults
Higher plasma levels of endocannabinoids and analogues correlate with a worse cardiometabolic profile in young adults
Maturation of paracetamol elimination routes in preterm neonates born below 32 weeks of gestation
Vancomycin clearance in obese adults is not predictive of clearance in obese adolescents
An integrated population pharmacokinetic analysis for posaconazole oral suspension, delayed-release tablet, and intravenous infusion in healthy volunteers
Drug pharmacokinetics in the obese population
Modelling inflammatory biomarker dynamics in a human lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge study using delay differential equations
Effect of different exercise training modalities on fasting levels of oxylipins and endocannabinoids in middle-aged sedentary adults
Effect of different exercise training modalities on fasting levels of oxylipins and endocannabinoids in middle-aged sedentary adults
Ciprofloxacin pharmacokinetics after oral and intravenous administration in (morbidly) obese and non-obese individuals
Quantification of endocannabinoids in human cerebrospinal fluid using a novel micro-flow liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry method
Quantification of endocannabinoids in human cerebrospinal fluid using a novel micro-flow liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry method
Total bodyweight and sex both drive pharmacokinetic variability of fluconazole in obese adults
The effect of ibuprofen exposure and patient characteristics on the closure of the patent Ductus Arteriosus in preterm infants
Prediction of glomerular filtration rate maturation across preterm and term neonates and young infants using inulin as marker
An update on the use of allometric and other scaling methods to scale drug clearance in children
Zebrafish larvae as experimental model to expedite the search for new biomarkers and treatments for neonatal sepsis
Omega-6 and omega-3 oxylipins as potential markers of cardiometabolic risk in young adults
Omega-6 and omega-3 oxylipins as potential markers of cardiometabolic risk in young adults
Midazolam infusion and disease severity affect the level of sedation in children
Quantifying the pharmacodynamics of morphine in the treatment of postoperative pain in preverbal children
Towards evidence-based weaning
