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The EDIBLES survey
X-Shooting ULLYSES
Around the hybrid conference world in the COVID-19 era
Fine structure in the luminosity function in young stellar populations with Gaia DR2
VLT/X-shooter spectroscopy of massive young stellar objects in the 30 Doradus region of the Large Magellanic Cloud
The ESO Diffuse Interstellar Band Large Exploration Survey (EDIBLES)
Unidentified emission features in the R Coronae Borealis star V854 Centauri
Medium-resolution échelle spectroscopy of the Red Square Nebula, MWC 922
The ESO Diffuse Interstellar Bands Large Exploration Survey (EDIBLES). I. Project description, survey sample, and quality assessment
MOONS: the Multi-Object Optical and Near-infrared Spectrograph for the VLT
Blowing in the wind: The dust wave around {$σ$} Orionis AB
VLT/X-Shooter survey of near-infrared diffuse interstellar bands
Relating jet structure to photometric variability: the Herbig Ae star HD 163296
Radiation-pressure-driven dust waves inside bursting interstellar bubbles
RCW36: characterizing the outcome of massive star formation
The Stellar Velocity Dispersion of a Compact Massive Galaxy at z = 1.80 Using X-Shooter: Confirmation of the Evolution in the Mass-Size and Mass-Dispersion Relations
The primordial binary population. I. A near-infrared adaptive optics search for close visual companions to A star members of Scorpius OB2
PAH charge state distribution and DIB carriers: Implications from the line of sight toward HD 147889
Diffuse Interstellar Bands in NGC 1448
Inference of hot star density stream properties from data on rotationally recurrent DACs
On the Hipparcos parallaxes of O stars
A search for the cause of cyclical wind variability in O stars. Simultaneous UV and optical observations including magnetic field measurements of the O7.5III star xi Persei
The origin of the runaway high-mass X-ray binary HD 153919/4U1700-37
Short-term spectroscopic variability in the pre-main sequence Herbig AE star AB Aurigae during the MUSICOS 96 campaign