Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Human occupation of northern Europe in MIS 13: Happisburgh Site 1 (Norfolk, UK) and its European context
Improving the chronological framework for Laugerie-Haute Ouest (Dordogne, France)
Neutron-based analyses of three Bronze Age metal objects: a closer look at the Buggenum, Jutphaas and Escharen artefacts
The Three Dimensions of Archaeology - Introduction
Happisburgh I. GIS data sets.
Archaeological Predictive modelling: a proposal for the CRM of the Veneto region
A Causewayed Enclosure Near Ermelo?
Watching the River Flow : A small-scale survey of the floodplain deposits of the Vézère valley, between Le Moustier and Les Eyzies (Dordogne, France)
Patterns of Middle and Upper Palaeolithic land use in Central Lazio (Italy)
Watching The River Flow: A small-scale survey of the floodplain deposits in the Vézère valley, between Le Moustier and Les Eyzies (Dordogne, France)
The Bumpy Road to Incorporating Uncertainty in Predictive Modelling
Neutron Resonance Capture Analysis (NRCA), elemental compositions of bronze age objects
Neutron-based Analysis for Cultural Heritage Research.Results of the Ancient Charm project
New developments in archaeological predictive modelling
The Application of Predictive Modelling in Archaeology: Problems and Possibilities
First thoughts on the incorporation of cultural variables into predictive modelling
Archaeological prediction and risk management
The future of archaeological predictive modelling
Archaeological Prediction and Risk Management. Alternatives to current practice.
First thoughts on the incorporation of cultural variables into predictive modelling
Searching for Tools to Predict the Past; the Application of Predictive Modelling in Archaeology
Review Michael W. Morris, 2002: Soil Science and Archaeology. Three Test Cases from Minoan Crete, Prehistory Monographs 4
