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Using progress feedback to enhance treatment outcomes
Practice‑oriented research
Routine outcome monitoring and clinical feedback in psychotherapy
An examination of therapists’ professional characteristics as moderators of the effect of feedback on psychological treatment outcomes
Routine outcome monitoring and clinical feedback in psychotherapy
Long-term weight changes after starting anti-IL-5/5Ra biologics in severe asthma
Treatment course comparison between anxiety-related disorders in adult outpatients
Treatment course comparison between anxiety-related disorders in adult outpatients
Routine outcome monitoring
Routine Outcome Monitoring (ROM) and feedback
Clinical response to benralizumab can be predicted by combining clinical outcomes at 3 months with baseline characteristics
Exploring therapist characteristics as potential moderators of the effects of client feedback on treatment outcome
The effect of therapist characteristics on the use and outcome of systematic client feedback in outpatient mental healthcare
Enhancing the effect of psychotherapy through systematic client feedback in outpatient mental healthcare
Cumulative corticosteroid-sparing effect of anti-interleukin-5/5Ra in eosinophilic asthma
The feasibility, acceptability and effectiveness of a feedback-informed group treatment (FIGT) tool for patients with anxiety or depressive disorders
How to make the most of routine outcome monitoring (ROM)
Feedback-informed group treatment
Cost-effectiveness of feedback-informed psychological treatment
Psychometric analysis of the Dutch language Facilitative Interpersonal Skills (FIS) video clips
Using progress feedback to improve outcomes and reduce drop-out, treatment duration, and deterioration
Self-reported reflective functioning mediates the association between attachment insecurity and well-being among psychotherapists
The effect of feedback-informed cognitive behavioral therapy on treatment outcome: a randomized controlled trial
Is reaching 90-90-90 enough to end AIDS? Lessons from Amsterdam
