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Revisiting the atmosphere of the exoplanet 51 Eridani b with VLT/SPHERE
Reference-star differential imaging on SPHERE/IRDIS
An extended scattered light disk around AT Pyx
Large interferometer for exoplanets (LIFE). I. Improved exoplanet detection yield estimates for a large mid-infrared space-interferometer mission
The B-star Exoplanet Abundance Study (BEAST)
Detecting life outside our solar system with a large high-contrast-imaging mission
Perturbers: SPHERE detection limits to planetary-mass companions in protoplanetary disks
Atmospheric characterization of terrestrial exoplanets in the mid-infrared
A wide-orbit giant planet in the high-mass b Centauri binary system
BEAST begins: sample characteristics and survey performance of the B-star Exoplanet Abundance Study
Revealing asymmetrical dust distribution in the inner regions of HD 141569
SPHERE+: imaging young Jupiters down to the snowline
Unveiling the β Pictoris system, coupling high contrast imaging, interferometric, and radial velocity data
Spirals inside the millimeter cavity of transition disk SR 21
Spirals inside the millimeter cavity of transition disk SR 21
Shadowing and multiple rings in the protoplanetary disk of HD 139614
The B-Star Exoplanet Abundance Study: a co-moving 16-25 M_Jup companion to the young binary system HIP 79098
Blobs, spiral arms, and a possible planet around HD 169142
A search for accreting young companions embedded in circumstellar disks. High-contrast Hα imaging with VLT/SPHERE
ESA Voyage 2050 White Paper: Detecting life outside our solar system with a large high-contrast-imaging mission
Atmospheric characterization of terrestrial exoplanets in the mid-infrared: biosignatures, habitability & diversity
Resolving faint structures in the debris disk around TWA 7: Tentative detections of an outer belt, a spiral arm, and a dusty cloud
The eumusc.net standards of care for rheumatoid arthritis: importance and current implementation according to patients and healthcare providers in the Netherlands
Investigation of the inner structures around HD 169142 with VLT/SPHERE
