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(1 - 24 of 122)


The physical drivers and observational tracers of CO-to-H2 conversion factor variations in nearby barred galaxy centers
Central molecular zones in galaxies
Connecting CO-to-H2 conversion factors to molecular gas properties in nearby barred galaxy centers
Molecular gas properties and CO-to-H2 conversion factors in the central kiloparsec of NGC 3351
The peculiar nebula Simeis 57
A giant molecular cloud catalogue in the molecular disc of the elliptical galaxy NGC 5128 (Centaurus A)
ALMA observations and multi-line modeling of the galaxy center of NGC 3351
The multi-phase ISM in the nearby composite AGN-SB galaxy NGC 4945: large-scale (parsecs) mechanical heating
Gas and dust cooling along the major axis of M 33 (HerM33es). Herschel/PACS [C II] and [O I] observations
Central molecular zones in galaxies: 12CO-to-13CO ratios, carbon budget, and X factors
Star Formation Efficiencies at Giant Molecular Cloud Scales in the Molecular Disk of the Elliptical Galaxy NGC 5128 (Centaurus A)
Herschel water maps towards the vicinity of the black hole Sgr A*
First Results from the Herschel and ALMA Spectroscopic Surveys of the SMC: The Relationship between [C II]-bright Gas and CO-bright Gas at Low Metallicity
Planck observations of M33
Disentangling the Circumnuclear Environs of Centaurus A. III. An Inner Molecular Ring, Nuclear Shocks, and the CO to Warm H2 Interface
Erratum: Dust and Gas in the Magellanic Clouds from the HERITAGE Herschel Key Project. I. Dust Properties and Insights into the Origin of the Submm Excess Emission (2014, ApJ, 797, 85)
ALMA Observations of the Physical and Chemical Conditions in Centaurus A
The outflow of gas from the Centaurus A circumnuclear disk. Atomic spectral line maps from Herschel/PACS and APEX
The molecular gas mass of M 33
HIFI Spectroscopy of H2O Submillimeter Lines in Nuclei of Actively Star-forming Galaxies
The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey. I. Survey description and preliminary data release
Modelling mechanical heating in star-forming galaxies: CO and 13CO Line ratios as sensitive probes
Constraining cloud parameters using high density gas tracers in galaxies
Continuum observations of M 51 and M 83 at 1.1 mm with AzTEC
