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Genetic variation in the first-pass metabolism of ethinylestradiol, sex hormone binding globulin levels and venous thrombosis risk
Human Extravillous Trophoblasts Penetrate Decidual Veins and Lymphatics before Remodeling Spiral Arteries during Early Pregnancy
Combined oral contraceptives: the risk of myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke
Steroidal contraceptives and bone fractures in women: evidence from observational studies
Development of the follicular basement membrane during human gametogenesis and early folliculogenesis
Combined oral contraceptives: venous thrombosis
Thyroid function, activated protein C resistance and the risk of venous thrombosis in users of hormonal contraceptives
Not only randomised controlled trials, but also controlled observational studies
The risk of venous thrombosis in individuals with a history of superficial vein thrombosis and acquired venous thrombotic risk factors
Different combined oral contraceptives and the risk of venous thrombosis: systematic review and network meta-analysis
The risk of venous thrombosis in oral contraception users with a history of superficial thrombophlebitis
Recurrent venous thrombosis in premenopausal women: effect of hormonal contraceptive use
The effect of different hormonal contraceptives on plasma levels of free protein S and free TFPI
HORMONAL CONTRACEPTION AND THROMBOSIS Authors' reply to Costescu and Waddington
Is an EMA review on hormonal contraception and thrombosis needed?
Sex hormone-binding globulin as a marker for the thrombotic risk of hormonal contraceptives: reply to a rebuttal
The risk of venous thrombosis in women over 50 years old using oral contraception or postmenopausal hormone therapy
Effect of ethinylestradiol dose and progestagen in combined oral contraceptives on plasma sex hormone-binding globulin levels in premenopausal women
Oral contraceptives containing drospirenone for premenstrual syndrome
Oral contraceptives containing drospirenone for premenstrual syndrome
Steroidal contraceptives and bone fractures in women: evidence from observational studies
Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin as a marker for the thrombotic risk of hormonal contraceptives: reply to a rebuttal
Sex hormone-binding globulin levels are not causally related to venous thrombosis risk in women not using hormonal contraceptives
Female risk factors for subarachnoid hemorrhage A systematic review
