Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Cosmic ray induced explosive chemical desorption in dense clouds
UV-photoprocessing of interstellar ice analogs: Detection of hexamethylenetetramine-based species
UV photodestruction of CH bonds and the evolution of the 3.4 mu m feature carrier. I. The case of aliphatic and aromatic molecular species
UV photodestruction of CH bonds and the evolution of the 3.4 mu m feature carrier. II. The case of hydrogenated carbon grains
Diffuse band shifts: a possible explanation
Weak ice absorption features at 7.24 and 7.41 μm in the spectrum of the obscured young stellar object W 33A
Constraints on the abundances of various molecules in interstellar ice: laboratory studies and astrophysical implications
The dust extinction, polarization and emission in the high-latitude cloud toward HD 210121
From interstellar dust to comets: the extended CO source in comet Halley
Making a comet nucleus
The dust properties of a short period comet: comet P/Borrelly
A comet dust model for the beta Pictoris disk
Discovery of solid formaldehyde toward the protostar GL 2136: Observations and laboratory simulation
Homochirality as the signature of life: the SETH Cigar
A new derivation of the tensile strength of cometary nuclei: Application to comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
The fate of polycyclic aromatic material in space
The infrared band strengths of H2O, CO and CO2 in laboratory simulations of astrophysical ice mixtures
Thermochemistry of cometary nuclei. 1: The Jupiter family case
What is new about the new Comet Yanaka (1988r)?
On the possible detection of solid O2 and O3 interstellar grains with ISO
On the possibility of detecting solid O2 in interstellar grain mantles
Radiation pressure forces of fluffy porous grains
An efficient method for the calculation of mean extinction. I - The analyticity of the complex extinction efficiency of homogeneous spheres
Extremely low thermal conductivity of amorphous ice - Relevance to comet evolution
