Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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No Gastrointestinal Dysmotility in Transgenic Mouse Models of Migraine
Current understanding of cortical structure and function in migraine
Relief Following Chronic Stress Augments Spreading Depolarization Susceptibility in Familial Hemiplegic Migraine Mice
Caffeine does not affect susceptibility to cortical spreading depolarization in mice
Inhibition of the P2X7-PANX1 complex suppresses spreading depolarization and neuroinflammation
Animal models of monogenic migraine
Abnormal synaptic Ca2+ homeostasis and morphology in cortical neurons of familial hemiplegic migraine type 1 mutant mice
Environmental stress and spreading depression
Effect of Environmental Stress on Spreading Depression
Migraine Mutations Impair Hippocampal Learning Despite Enhanced Long-Term Potentiation
Migraine Prophylaxis, Ischemic Depolarizations, and Stroke Outcomes in Mice
Stress hormone corticosterone enhances susceptibility to cortical spreading depression in familial hemiplegic migraine type 1 mutant mice
Inhibition of the p2x7 Receptor-Pannexin1 Pore Suppresses Spreading Depression and Inflammatory Downstream Mechanisms
Abnormal Synaptic Morphology and Neuronal Ca2+-Homeostasis in Migraine Mutant Mice
Corticosterone enhances CSD susceptibility via glucocorticoid receptor activation in familial hemiplegic migraine 1 Cacna1a knock-in mice
Migraine Mutations Increase Stroke Vulnerability by Facilitating Ischemic Depolarizations
Enhanced Subcortical Spreading Depression in Familial Hemiplegic Migraine Type 1 Mutant Mice