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Cationic pH-sensitive liposome-based subunit tuberculosis vaccine induces protection in mice challenged with Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Identification of kinase modulators as host-directed therapeutics against intracellular methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
The course of cytokine and chemokine gene expression in clinically suspect arthralgia patients during progression to inflammatory arthritis
Leptin mutation and mycobacterial infection lead non-synergistically to a similar metabolic syndrome
Leptin mutation and mycobacterial infection lead non-synergistically to a similar metabolic syndrome
BCG-induced immunity profiles in household contacts of leprosy patients differentiate between protection and disease
In-vivo expressed Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens recognised in three mouse strains after infection and BCG vaccination
Y blood RNA signature RISK4LEP predicts leprosy years before clinical onset
Gene expression identifies patients who develop inflammatory arthritis in a clinically suspect arthralgia cohort (vol 22, 266, 2020)
Gene expression identifies patients who develop inflammatory arthritis in a clinically suspect arthralgia cohort
BCG and adverse Events in the Context of leprosy
Vaccines for Leprosy and Tuberculosis: Opportunities for Shared Research, Development, and Application
Longitudinal assessment of anti-PGL-I serology in contacts of leprosy patients in Bangladesh
Longitudinal IP-10 Serum Levels Are Associated with the Course of Disease Activity and Remission in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Field-friendly serological tests for determination of M. leprae-specific antibodies
New Genome-Wide Algorithm Identifies Novel In-Vivo Expressed Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Antigens Inducing Human T-Cell Responses with Classical and Unconventional Cytokine Profiles
Field-Friendly Test for Monitoring Multiple Immune Response Markers during Onset and Treatment of Exacerbated Immunity in Leprosy
Exploratory urinary metabolomics of type 1 leprosy reactions
Longitudinal immune profiles in type 1 leprosy reactions in Bangladesh, Brazil, Ethiopia and Nepal
Synthetic Long Peptide Derived from Mycobacterium tuberculosis Latency Antigen Rv1733c Protects against Tuberculosis
Differential Dermal Expression of CCL17 and CCL18 in Tuberculoid and Lepromatous Leprosy
The in vivo expressed Mycobacterium tuberculosis (IVE-TB) antigen Rv2034 induces CD4(+) T-cells that protect against pulmonary infection in HLA-DR transgenic mice and guinea pigs
Clonal Analysis of the T-Cell Response to In Vivo Expressed Mycobacterium tuberculosis Protein Rv2034, Using a CD154 Expression Based T-Cell Cloning Method
Field-Evaluation of a New Lateral Flow Assay for Detection of Cellular and Humoral Immunity against Mycobacterium leprae
