Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Deterrent effects of sanction severity and the role of procedural justice in prison
Fatherhood and reoffending after release from prison
Detainees’ perceptions of procedural justice
Antecedents of subjective severity of detention and perceived procedural justice
Procedural justice and legitimacy of the law in the criminal justice system
Segregated Worlds? The Level of Overlap Between Dutch Offenders’ Criminal and Core Discussion Networks
Receiving Social Support after Short-term Confinement: How Support Pre- and During-confinement Contribute
Controle of begeleiding? Ervaringen met reclasseringstoezicht tijdens de voorwaardelijke invrijheidstelling
Psychische klachten bij gedetineerden: psychometrische kenmerken van de Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI)
Mental health symptoms during imprisonment: a longitudinal study
Cohort Profile: the Prison Project—a Study of Criminal Behavior and Life Circumstances Before, During, and After Imprisonment in the Netherlands
Het verloop van de partnerrelaties van gedetineerden tijdens en na detentie
Psychische problemen tijdens detentie: een overzicht van kernresultaten uit het Prison Project
The influence of detailed offender characteristics on consecutive criminal processing decisions in the Netherlands
Treatment Readiness as a Determinant of Treatment Participation in a Prison-Based Rehabilitation Program: An Exploratory Study
Het rechte pad: Toekomstverwachtingen van langgestrafte gedetineerden in Nederland
Exploring the Relationship between Subjectively Experienced Severity of Imprisonment and Recidivism: A Neglected Element in Testing Deterrence Theory
Onderzoeksnotitie: Recidive na een korte of langere periode in detentie
A Social Building? Prison Architecture and Staff–Prisoner Relationships
Prison-based rehabilitation: Predictors of offender treatment participation and treatment completion
Doing your own time: Peer integration, aggression and mental health in Dutch male detainment facilities
Returning to a former employer: a potentially successful pathway to ex-prisoner re-employment
Reoffending after release: Does procedural justice during imprisonment matter?
Procedural justice in prison: The importance of staff characteristics
