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Online digital health and informatics education for undergraduate nursing students in China
Tailoring remote patient management in cardiovascular risk management for healthcare professionals using panel management
Population health interventions for cardiometabolic diseases in primary care
A digitally enabled combined lifestyle intervention for weight loss
Digital health training programs for medical students
Digital tools/eHealth to support CKD self-management:
Digital tools/eHealth to support CKD self-management
Digital tools/eHealth to support CKD self-management
Development of a quality management model and self-assessment questionnaire for hybrid health care
Development of a quality management model and self-assessment questionnaire for hybrid health care
Development of a quality management model and self-assessment questionnaire for hybrid health care
Development of a quality management model and self-assessment questionnaire for hybrid health care
eHealth interventions for Dutch cancer care: systematic review using the triple aim lens
Turning green
Outcomes, measurement instruments, and their validity evidence in randomized controlled trials on virtual, augmented, and mixed reality in undergraduate medical education: systematic mapping review
Digital education for health professionals: an evidence map, conceptual framework, and research agenda
Prioritising primary care respiratory research needs
Prioritising primary care respiratory research needs
The impact of patient characteristics on their attitudes toward an online patient portal for communicating laboratory test results
Effectiveness of telemonitoring for respiratory and systemic symptoms of asthma and COPD: a narrative review
Digital Health Training Programs for Medical Students: Scoping Review
The challenge of integrating eHealth into health care: systematic literature review of the Donabedian model of structure, process, and outcome
The computer will see you now
Patients' and healthcare professionals' beliefs, perceptions and needs towards chronic kidney disease self-management in China
