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A sparse regression approach for populating dark matter haloes and subhaloes with galaxies
EAGLE-like simulation models do not solve the entropy core problem in groups and clusters of galaxies
KURVS: the outer rotation curve shapes and dark matter fractions of z ≈ 1.5 star-forming galaxies
The importance of black hole repositioning for galaxy formation simulations
SPHENIX: smoothed particle hydrodynamics for the next generation of galaxy formation simulations
Redshift evolution of the hot intracluster gas metallicity in the C-EAGLE cluster simulations
A sparse regression approach to modelling the relation between galaxy stellar masses and their host haloes
Inconsistencies arising from the coupling of galaxy formation sub-grid models to pressure-smoothed particle hydrodynamics
Galactic inflow and wind recycling rates in the EAGLE simulations
Galactic outflow rates in the EAGLE simulations
The evolution of the baryon fraction in haloes as a cause of scatter in the galaxy stellar mass in the EAGLE simulation
Hydrostatic mass estimates of massive galaxy clusters: a study with varying hydrodynamics flavours and non-thermal pressure support
The nature of submillimetre and highly star-forming galaxies in the EAGLE simulation
The dynamics and distribution of angular momentum in HiZELS star-forming galaxies at z = 0.8-3.3
The signal of decaying dark matter with hydrodynamical simulations
Disruption of satellite galaxies in simulated groups and clusters: the roles of accretion time, baryons, and pre-processing
The relationship between the morphology and kinematics of galaxies and its dependence on dark matter halo structure in EAGLE
The shapes of the rotation curves of star-forming galaxies over the last ≈10 Gyr
The oxygen abundance gradients in the gas discs of galaxies in the EAGLE simulation
The formation of hot gaseous haloes around galaxies
The impact of dark energy on galaxy formation. What does the future of our Universe hold?
The diverse density profiles of galaxy clusters with self-interacting dark matter plus baryons
The SAMI Galaxy Survey: understanding observations of large-scale outflows at low redshift with EAGLE simulations
Galaxy formation efficiency and the multiverse explanation of the cosmological constant with EAGLE simulations
