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(25 - 48 of 86)


Turbulent magnetic fields in the merging galaxy cluster MACS J0717.5+3745
Using the polarization properties of double radio relics to probe the turbulent compression scenario
Deep low-frequency radio observations of A2256. I. The filamentary radio relic
The Coma cluster at LOFAR frequencies. II. The halo, relic, and a new accretion relic
New constraints on the magnetic field in cosmic web filaments
The Coma cluster at Low Frequency ARray frequencies
The LOFAR LBA sky survey
The LOFAR and JVLA view of the distant steep spectrum radio halo in MACS J1149.5+2223
Discovery of a radio halo (and relic) in a M_500 < 2x10^14 M sun cluster
A snapshot of the oldest active galactic nuclei feedback phases
Radio halos in a mass-selected sample of 75 galaxy clusters
Physical insights from the spectrum of the radio halo in MACS J0717.5+3745
Understanding the radio relic emission in the galaxy cluster MACS J0717.5+3745
The ultra-steep diffuse radio emission observed in the cool-core cluster RX J1720.1+2638 with LOFAR at 54 MHz
Deep Chandra observations of double relic cluster ZwCl 2341+0000
Discovery of a supercluster in the eROSITA final equatorial depth survey
Dissecting nonthermal emission in the complex multiple-merger galaxy cluster Abell 274
LOFAR observations of galaxy clusters in HETDEX
The intracluster magnetic field in the double relic galaxy cluster Abell 2345
LOFAR detection of a low-power radio halo in the galaxy cluster Abell 990
Deep Chandra observations of merging galaxy cluster ZwCl 2341+0000
Diffuse radio emission from galaxy clusters in the LOFAR two-metre sky survey deep fields
A 3.5 Mpc long radio relic in the galaxy cluster ClG 0217+70
Fast magnetic field amplification in distant galaxy clusters
