Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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The Lion, the Witch, and the Monkey: Animal Metamorphosis in the Dutch-language Adaptations of Calderón's El Mayor Encanto, Amor, c. 1670
Here Doggy! It's Prayer Time: The Relationship Between God, Man, and Dog in the Fourteenth-century Margaret Hours
Constructing the Minds of Ants: The Role of Anthropomorphism in German-language Animal Psychology Around 1900
Birds, Colour, and Feet: A "Naïf Portrait" of the Brazilian Tanager in Pierre Belon's L'Histoire de la Nature des Oyseaux
"Bring your camera": The Western American landscape through California Camera Club practice in the early 1900s
Between nomos and nature: The International Criminal Court's garden as a critical legal topos
Founding the Barren Rock: Landscape transformations and discourses in nineteenth-century colonial Hong Kong
Literary landscapes in the Castilian Middle Ages: Allegorical construction as a feature of textual landscapes
Landscapes, time, and violence: Unearthing the past in Sarah Vanagt and Katrien Vermeire's The Wave
Strain: A new approach to landscape photography in the age of the Anthropocene
Framing the viewer: Edvard Munch's hybrid genres
Reimagining roads: The fiction and function of infrastructure
Changing the allegorical landscape: Masonic and Hermetic additions to the Dantean underworld of Gloria Naylor’s Linden Hills
Foreword to the Journal of the LUCAS Graduate Conference, Issue 6 (2018)
Graphical conversations of HOME: Performing landscape
Building identities: Landscape practices as a means to construct identities, the Swiss National Exhibition Expo2027
Old and new objects in the landscape garden of Dowth Demesne (County Meath, Ireland): Visualizing heritage
Exceptional design in an iconic landscape? Interpretations of landscape and residential architecture in Dartmoor National Park