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Modelling time-varying covariates effect on survival via functional data analysis
Effectiveness of antiseizure medication duotherapies in patients with glioma
RARE-07. Low resting energy expenditure is associated with clinical and radiological hypothalamic damage in children surviving a suprasellar brain tumor
Implementing computational modeling in tissue engineering
LTBK-02. Safety of growth hormone replacement therapy in childhood craniopharyngioma
Complex multiplication constructions of abelian extensions of quartic fields
Tropical moments of tropical Jacobians
Animal biodiversity and specificity in children’s picture books
Gull's theorem revisited
Short-term and long-term prognostic value of histological response and intensified chemotherapy in osteosarcoma: a retrospective reanalysis of the BO06 trial
The efficacy of taurolidine containing lock solutions for the prevention of central-venous-catheter-related bloodstream infections
Spatially inhomogeneous populations with seed-banks
Travelling waves for adaptive grid discretizations of reaction diffusion systems III
Species identification skills predict in-depth knowledge about species
What does this Python code do?
Tautological differential forms on moduli spaces of curves
Identifying complex patients using Adjusted Clinical Groups risk stratification tool
Identifying complex patients using Adjusted Clinical Groups risk stratification tool
Comparison between a phenomenological approach and a morphoelasticity approach regarding the displacement of extracellular matrix
ALL-IN meta-analysis
A study on prevalence and determinants of ototoxicity during treatment of childhood cancer (SOUND)
Morphodynamic equilibria in tidal inlet systems
Fair automated assessment of noncompliance in cargo ship networks
