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Human Gb3/CD77 synthase produces P1 glycotope-capped N-glycans, which mediate Shiga toxin 1 but not Shiga toxin 2 cell entry
Fc gamma receptor IIIb binding of individual antibody proteoforms resolved by affinity chromatography-mass spectrometry
Semiautomated glycoproteomics data analysis workflow for maximized glycopeptide identification and reliable quantification
Monoclonal immunoglobulins promote bone loss in multiple myeloma
The SPPL3-defined glycosphingolipid repertoire orchestrates HLA class I-mediated immune responses
Targeting glycans and heavily glycosylated proteins for tumor imaging
Mass spectrometry in clinical glycomics
Intact and subunit-specific analysis of bispecific antibodies by sheathless CE-MS
Site-specific glycosylation mapping of Fc gamma receptor IIIb from neutrophils of individual healthy donors
Immunoglobulin G glycoprofiles are unaffected by common bottom-up sample processing
Fc galactosylation of anti-platelet human IgG1 alloantibodies enhances complement activation on platelets
Dissecting total plasma and protein-specific glycosylation profiles in congenital disorders of glycosylation
Sheathless CE-MS as a tool for monitoring exchange efficiency and stability of bispecific antibodies
Improved N- and C-terminal sequencing of proteins by combining positive and negative ion MALDI in-source decay mass spectrometry
Serum N-glycome analysis reveals pancreatic cancer disease signatures
IgG Fc sialylation is regulated during the germinal center reaction following immunization with different adjuvants
Biological and structural characterization of murine TRALI antibody reveals increased Fc-mediated complement activation
MS-based allotype-specific analysis of polyclonal IgG-FcN-glycosylation
Prominent members of the human gut microbiota express endo-acting O-glycanases to initiate mucin breakdown
Serum N ‐Glycome analysis reveals pancreatic cancer disease signatures
Seizure protein 6 controls glycosylation and trafficking of kainate receptor subunits GluK2 and GluK3
N-Glycoproteins have a major role in MGL binding to colorectal cancer cell lines
Development of a 96-well plate sample preparation method for integratedN- andO-glycomics using porous graphitized carbon liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
Cysteine aminoethylation enables the site-specific glycosylation analysis of recombinant human erythropoietin using trypsin
