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Targeted Glycoproteomic Analysis Reveals That Kappa-5 is a Major, Uniquely Glycosylated Component of Schistosoma mansoni Egg Antigens
Fc-Glycosylation of IgG1 is Modulated by B-cell Stimuli
Cotton HILIC SPE Microtips for Microscale Purification and Enrichment of Glycans and Glycopeptides
Glycosylation changes as important factors for the susceptibility to urinary tract infection
IgG Fc N-Glycosylation Changes in Lambed-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome and Myasthenia Gravis
Optimized Workflow for Preparation of APTS-Labeled N-Glycans Allowing High-Throughput Analysis of Human Plasma Glycomes using 48-Channel Multiplexed CGE-LIF
Plasma protein N-glycan profiles are associated with calendar age, familial longevity and health
Ligand identification of carbohydrate-binding proteins employing a biotinylated glycan binding assay and tandem mass spectrometry
Natural glycan microarrays
Lack of complex N-glycans on HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins preserves protein conformation and entry function (vol 401, pg 236, 2010)
Decreased Levels of Bisecting GlcNAc Glycoforms of IgG Are Associated with Human Longevity
Glycan labeling strategies and their use in identification and quantification
Glycan profiling of urine, amniotic fluid and ascitic fluid from galactosialidosis patients reveals novel oligosaccharides with reducing end hexose and aldohexonic acid residues
Glycan Profiling of Anti-Citrullinated Protein Antibodies Isolated From Human Serum and Synovial Fluid
2-Picoline-borane: A non-toxic reducing agent for oligosaccharide labeling by reductive amination
Lack of complex N-glycans on HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins preserves protein conformation and entry function
Structural Characterization of Glycans on Omega-1, a Major Schistosoma mansoni Egg Glycoprotein That Drives Th2 Responses
Protein glycosylation analysis by HILIC-LC-MS of Proteinase K-generated N- and O-glycopeptides
Mass Spectrometric Identification of Aberrantly Glycosylated Human Apolipoprotein C-III Peptides in Urine from Schistosoma mansoni-infected Individuals
Glycan profiling of anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPA) isolated from human serum and synovial fluid
Immunoglobulin G Glycopeptide Profiling by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry
Relevance and use of capillary coatings in capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry
