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Machine learning versus Cox models for predicting overall survival in patients with osteosarcoma
Best practices of modeling complex materials in electrocatalysis, exemplified by oxygen evolution reaction on pentlandites
Precarious privileges
De schimmige wereld van spionnen en hun geheime informatie
Population pharmacokinetics of trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole
Review of Simon, A. (2022) Media of the masses: cassette culture in modern Egypt
Long-term wastewater monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 viral loads and variants at the major international passenger hub Amsterdam Schiphol Airport
Nationalisms on China’s evolving internet
Review of Sims-Williams, N. (2022) The book of Zambasta: Metre and stress in Old Khotanese
The afterlife of uprisings in the work of Georges Didi-Huberman and João Moreira Salles’ No Intenso Agora
Characterization of atrial arrhythmias following mitral valve repair
Cationic pH-sensitive liposome-based subunit tuberculosis vaccine induces protection in mice challenged with Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Evaluation of a group-based online informed consent conversation (eConsent) in participants from a low-risk vaccination clinical trial
New and interesting Laboulbeniales (Fungi, Ascomycota) from the Netherlands, II
Concurrent NetKAT with ports
Preoperative stratification of cytologically indeterminate thyroid nodules by [18F]FDG-PET
Measurement of the double-layer capacitance of Pt(111) in acidic conditions near the potential of zero charge
Is het ‘no conflict of interest’-principe correct geïmplementeerd in de Nederlandse mer-regelgeving?
Das Phantom von Ego
Nietzsche contra Girard
Intradermal delivery of the third dose of the mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 vaccine: safety and immunogenicity of a fractional booster dose
Comparative effectiveness of different placebos and comparator groups for hand osteoarthritis exploring the impact of contextual factors
Diagnostic criteria and long-term outcomes in AIH-PBC variant syndrome under combination therapy
