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Landscape level associations between birds, mosquitoes and microclimates
General Boolean function benchmark suite
Informetric methods for studying the diversity of the scientific workforce
Biomonitoring of dairy farm emitted ammonia in surface waters using phytoplankton and periphyton
Migraine, inflammatory bowel disease and celiac disease
Differentiable, holomorphic, and analytic functions on complex Φ-algebras
Signal intensity and volume of carotid intraplaque hemorrhage on magnetic resonance imaging and the risk of ipsilateral cerebrovascular events
Clinically suspect arthralgia and rheumatoid arthritis
Evaluation of F-537-Tetrazine in a model for brain pretargeting imaging
Endoscopic intermuscular dissection of early anal cancer
Protectiveness of NAM-based hazard assessment
Qualitative and quantitative concentration-response modelling of gene co-expression networks to unlock hepatotoxic mechanisms for next generation chemical safety assessment
An LC-MS-based designated comparison method with similar performance to the Lp(a) reference measurement procedure to guide molar Lp(a) standardization
Different glycosylation profiles of cystatin F alter the cytotoxic potential of natural killer cells
Straight sections of step edges on a NiAl(110) curved single crystal surface used to calculate an approximation of step formation energy
Cognition and movement in neurodegenerative disorders: a dynamic duo
A low-barrier proton shared between two aspartates acts as a conformational switch that changes the substrate specificity of the β-lactamase BlaC
Geographical representation under a single nationwide district
Inspecting the quality of care
Acoustic profiles of underwater soundscapes afected by road traffic
Adapting to uncertainty
Natural soundscapes of lowland river habitats and the potential threat of urban noise pollution to migratory fish
Ancient DNA of narrow-headed vole reveal common features of the Late Pleistocene population dynamics in cold-adapted small mammals
Understanding validity criteria in technology-enhanced learning
