Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Patient-reported satisfaction with thyroid hormone replacement therapy for subclinical hypothyroidism in older adults
Incidence and determinants of spontaneous normalization of subclinical hypothyroidism in older adults
The effect of thyroid hormone therapy on muscle function, strength and mass in older adults with subclinical hypothyroidism-an ancillary study within two randomized placebo controlled trials
Screening for thyroid dysfunction with free T4 instead of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) improves efficiency in older adults in primary care
Thyroid antibodies and levothyroxine effects in subclinical hypothyroidism: A pooled analysis of two randomized controlled trials
No effect of levothyroxine on hemoglobin in older adults with subclinical hypothyroidism
Levothyroxine treatment and cardiovascular outcomes in older people with subclinical hypothyroidism
Subclinical hypothyroidism and cognitive function in people over 60 years: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Variation in treatment strategies of Swiss general practitioners for subclinical hypothyroidism in older adults
International variation in GP treatment strategies for subclinical hypothyroidism in older adults: a case-based survey