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Pushing the characterization of exoplanet atmospheres down to temperate rocky planets in the era of JWST
High-contrast spectroscopy of exoplanet atmospheres
TOI-544 b
Isotopes and the characterization of extrasolar planets
Lava worlds
CUTE reveals escaping metals in the upper atmosphere of the ultrahot Jupiter WASP-189b
Metallicity and spectral evolution of WASP 39b
The JWST early release science program for direct observations of exoplanetary systems I
TOI-2525 b and c: A pair of massive warm giant planets with strong transit timing variations revealed by TESS
Observed polarized scattered light phase functions of planet-forming disks
First VLTI/GRAVITY observations of HIP 65426 b: Evidence for a low or moderate orbital eccentricity
Polarized signatures of a habitable world
Using a neural network approach to accelerate disequilibrium chemistry calculations in exoplanet atmospheres
The hot Neptune WASP-166 b with ESPRESSO
Simulation of the Earth's radio-leakage from mobile towers as seen from selected nearby stellar systems
High-contrast imaging polarimetry of exoplanets and circumstellar disks
Young suns and infant planets
It's just a phase
Origins space telescope
